Joyce Hsieh
Joyce Hsieh
 · Marketing @Magical

How much does Magical cost?

While Magical is free to use, we plan to introduce paid plans in the future to further support R&D investment in delightful time-saving features.

How much will Magical cost when paid plans are rolled out?

Our pricing philosophy is to ensure affordable pricing for all of our users. We commit to always having a generous free plan to ensure everyone on the internet can benefit from Magical. For paid plans, prices will be dollars (not hundreds of dollars) per user per month to ensure accessibility.

What features can I expect to be in a paid plan vs a free plan?

We expect more "advanced" features to be included in a paid plan, congruent with what's industry standard for other tech companies. Additionally, there will be some usage allotments for that differentiate the plans.

How much notice will you give me before rolling out paid plans?

We will provide at least 30 days' notice before we roll out paid plans. 

Is there anyway to reduce the cost of paid plans when they are introduced?

Yes! Magical offers referral credits every time a colleague you refer downloads the product. If you refer, you will either be able to redeem for a discount or increase your free usage allotment.

Who can I reach out to if I have more questions?

Feel free to reach out to